Washington High School
Chess Association

Register for
2025 State Team Championship
February 28 - March 1, 2025

Registration deadline: Wednesday, February 26th at 8:00 pm. Check your registration status here.

School Team (Please list players in board order)

Arrange your team in playing-order strength - strongest player on Board 1.
See the Team Tournament Rules for allowable rating variance and eligibility.

If you have more than one team, use this registration form again for each team.

Please use ID numbers and ratings from the Northwest Scholastic Rating System.

Teams must be 5 player teams. No teams of less than 5 players will be allowed.

Bd Last name First name Grade NWSRS Rating

No changes will be allowed after this submission except for substitutes and changes required by WHSCA staff.

If you have eligibility questions, or anything else, please contact whsca.chess@gmail.com.

Substitute Players

Choose your substitutes from the All-Comers Tournament player list below. Check the box next to the player to be entered as a substitute. Each varsity team is allowed two substitutes.

State All-Comers Tournament

Enter players that you will bring with your team to play in the All-Comers Tournament side event.

Use the checkbox to indicate players that can substitute on your varsity team.

New! Individual players (without a team): Please register by filling out this form.

Players in this section may replace players on your school's five-person team and still receive a half point bye in the side event. To do this, make sure the TD knows your intention before the end of the previous round.

Bd Last name First name Grade NWSRS Sub

Please enter your substitutes so the Tournament Director can have them in the system ready to go.

Change to Grade or School Code?

Review your NWSRS information above. It is crucial to keep our database accurate.
Check your school code using this list and describe updates in the comment field below.

If you anticipate any special circumstances please mention them here. For example:
• If you anticipate possible travel problems
• If a player is arriving late, or requires a 'bye', or is withdrawing before the end of the tournament
• If a player's NWSRS name, school code or grade level needs to be updated, enter their current id above and describe the change here

Click Register to finish entering your team for the 2025 State Team Championship. You will see a "thank you" page, and automatically receive an e-mail confirmation in a few minutes. You can check your registration status here.

Note: If changes are required, please email Brett Baugh at bbaugh@stanwood.wednet.edu. If possible, forward your original confirmation message and describe the required changes. Please contact us as early as possible.

Are you having technical problems with this web page? Please tell our webmaster and include all the details of what you saw and what you expected. If all else fails, as a last resort, you can register by sending regular e-mail to Brett Baugh at bbaugh@stanwood.wednet.edu (email).